Berkeley Lab

EJ-309 Quenching Data

EJ-309 relative light yield in MeVee as a function of proton energy from 0.2 to 6 MeV. The discrepancy between the different reported proton light yield measurements can be explained in part by differences in the integration lengths used to measure the light output [Brown2018JourApplPhys124, Laplace2020NIMA959], bias associated with characterization of the Compton edge used for light output calibration [Dietze1982NIMA193], and bias associated with the edge characterization method used by some authors [Weldon2020NIMA953]. Most often ignored, non-proportionality of the electron light yield [Payne2011IEEE58, Swiderski2012JINST7] may also introduce further biases in calibration/conversion to the MeVee light unit. In some cases, fit functions provided by the authors are shown in lieu of the original measurements due to challenges in extracting data points from the published graphs.

Additional quenching data are available at higher proton energies and for different recoil particles in the table below. Click the cells in the Reference column to view the paper from which the data is derived. The Data column will direct to a downloadable text file of the quenching data.

You can find a complete documentation of the Reference Papers and values when you Click Here.

Reference Paper Particle Energy Range (MeV)
Low Bin
Energy Range (MeV)
High Bin
Data Text File
Bai 2017 Proton0.835.27Click Here
Brown 2018Proton120Click Here
Fregeau 2019Proton3.645Click Here
Laplace 2020Proton0.23.2Click Here
Laplace 2021Proton0.31Click Here
Norsworthy 2017Proton1.155.15Click Here
Takada 2010Proton5.870Click Here
Tomanin 2014Proton0.414Click Here
Enqvist 2013Proton3.645Click Here
Woolf 2015Proton0.82.8Click Here
Lawrence 2013Proton0.515Click Here
Pino 2014Proton0.548.2Click Here
Takada 2010Deuteron14.548Click Here
Takada 2010Alpha13.890Click Here
Laplace 2021Carbon Ion1.85Click Here
Norsworthy 2018Carbon Ion2.83.9Click Here